South China Sea aluminum ingot prices mainly refer to the prices of aluminum materials in Lingtong Aluminum, including ADC12 aluminum ingots, aluminum composite ingots for water tanks, and various aluminum scrap products.#Aluminum Road South China Sea Lingtong Metal Channel mainly provides South China Sea Lingtong Metal aluminum price data and price trend analysis tools, currently including South China Sea Lingtong Metal, South China Sea Lingtong Aluminum, South China Sea Lingtong Metal Aluminum price, South China Sea Lingtong Metal Market, and other content.#South China Sea Nonferrous Aluminum price refers to the A00 aluminum ingot price in the South China Sea Lingtong market. It provides historical data for the South China Sea Lingtong Nonferrous Aluminum price in the past 10 years, today's South China Sea Nonferrous Aluminum price SMS WeChat flash report, South China Sea Nonferrous Aluminum price trend chart and other analysis tools for the study and trend of South China Sea Nonferrous Aluminum spot price...#【Dali Aluminum Material Network】On December 28th, the average price of South China Sea aluminum ingot was 19,830 with a rise of 230 the average price of South China Sea without tickets was 18,590 with a rise of 230. South China Sea aluminum ingot South China Sea without tickets 28 2023 December rise 230 19830 (average price) Lowest price: ¥1978...#The latest South China Sea Lingtong aluminum ingot price is the reference base price for the trading pricing of the aluminum alloy, aluminum profiles, and aluminum products industries. The South China Sea inclusive price is based on the average price of the South China Sea aluminum ingot, but also based on the highest price of the South China Sea aluminum ingot inclusive for some factories...#A total of 10,000 South China Sea aluminum ingot prices South China Sea Nonferrous (Lingtong) spot aluminum ingot price of 19,490 rose by 170 (December 22, 2023) On December 22, the lowest price of South China Sea aluminum was 19,440, the highest price was 19,540, the average price was 19,490, an increase of 170 compared to the previous day. 2023-12-22 16:30:...#Alibaba has found 770 latest prices of South China Sea aluminum ingots, wholesale prices, and other market trends. You can also find the prices of related products such as market prices and wholesale prices. Alibaba also provides introductions to related suppliers of South China Sea aluminum ingots, specializing in...
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